長崎俊樹 院長ブログ[日本甲状腺学会認定 甲状腺専門医 橋本病 バセドウ病 甲状腺エコー 長崎甲状腺クリニック 大阪]


Special Invitation for Contribution (Clinical Immunology, Endocrine & Metabolic Drugs)

こんにちは。甲状腺(橋本病,バセドウ病,甲状腺エコー等)・動脈硬化内分泌代謝専門の長崎甲状腺クリニック(大阪)院長 長崎俊樹です。日本甲状腺学会認定 甲状腺専門医として甲状腺機能低下症,橋本病,甲状腺機能亢進症,バセドウ病,内分泌などのホットな話題をお届けします。

今度は、Clinical, Immunology, Endocrine & Metabolic Drugs (CIEMD)から、 a review/research article(何か論文か、総説)を書け、または、guest edit(外部編集者)をしろとのオファーです。そんな雑誌あったかいな(初耳)?この手の仕事は、もうしないようにしていますので・・・。底なし沼に沈んでいくような感じやな・・。

Dr.T. Nagasaki

Department of Metabolism
Endocrinology and Molecular Medicine, Osaka City University, Graduate School of Medicine, 1-4-3, Asahi-machi, Abeno-ku
Osaka-city 545-8585
Dear Dr. Nagasaki,
In view of your important publications in the key areas of clinical immunology, endocrine & metabolic drug research, it is a great pleasure to invite you to contribute a review/research article or guest edit a special issue to Clinical, Immunology, Endocrine & Metabolic Drugs (CIEMD) in an emerging field. The journal is now in its second volume and been indexed in Chemical Abstracts Service (CAS), J-Gate, CNKI Scholar, Suweco CZ and EBSCO.
The Publishers are delighted to extend the following offers to the contributors of the journal:
Special Offers:
No publication charges involved.
Quick processing and publication of the submitted papers.
Free of charge figure improvement facility.
Availability of the first issue of each volume as “Open Access”; Open Access facility will assist the contributing authors in getting reasonable citations to their published articles.
Open Access Plus facility to all articles for a period of six months.
An honorarium of US0 to the Guest Editor per thematic issue; besides a free copy of the printed issue and free online subscription to any three selected Bentham journals from the List (on contributing an issue of 100 printed pages).
Complete editorial support to the Guest Editors of thematic issues, which will entail extending invitations to prominent people in the field;  seeking contributions from existing and previous authors for the planned thematic issue; announcing the forthcoming thematic issues on the websites to attract submissions, list and detailed patents for the preparation of manuscript, etc. 
Discount Offers:
Authors who have previously published at least one article in the journal will be offered 40% discount on open access fee for their second contribution.
50% discount on the single issue cost will be offered to authors on purchase of issue(s) in which their article is published.
Multiple issue copies at discounted rates.
If you wish to submit your work to the journal, please provide us the title and an abstract (up to 250 words) of your review/research article or a brief proposal of the special issue by email to thematicissue@benthamscience.org for approval. 
Looking forward to have a successful working collaboration.
Prof. Emilio Jirillo
(Co Editor-in-Chief, CIEMD)           

Clinical, Immunology, Endocrine & Metabolic Drugs

本日は「Special Invitation for Contribution (Clinical Immunology, Endocrine & Metabolic Drugs)」の話でした。

文責:長崎甲状腺クリニック(大阪)院長 日本甲状腺学会認定 甲状腺専門医 長崎俊樹

長崎甲状腺クリニック(大阪)は日本甲状腺学会認定 甲状腺専門医[橋本病,バセドウ病,甲状腺超音波(エコー)検査など]による甲状腺専門クリニック。大阪府大阪市東住吉区にあります。平野区,住吉区,阿倍野区,住之江区,松原市,堺市,羽曳野市,八尾市,天王寺区,東大阪市,生野区も近く。


the Lead Guest Editor for the International Journal of Endocrinology

こんにちは。甲状腺(橋本病,バセドウ病,甲状腺エコー等)・動脈硬化内分泌代謝専門の長崎甲状腺クリニック(大阪)院長 長崎俊樹です。日本甲状腺学会認定 甲状腺専門医として甲状腺機能低下症,橋本病,甲状腺機能亢進症,バセドウ病,内分泌などのホットな話題をお届けします。

またしても、内分泌の雑誌(the International Journal of Endocrinology)から、the Lead Guest Editorの御招待が届きました。非常に光栄なことですが・・・・。無理やわ、そんな。大阪市立大学 代謝内分泌内科 非常勤講師をしているだけで、週1日潰れるのに・・・。これ以上のボランティア活動は、健康を害します。

Dear Dr. Nagasaki,

We are planning to publish a number of Special Issues in the International Journal of Endocrinology http://www.hindawi.com/journals/ije/, and I would like to invite you to be the Lead Guest Editor for a Special Issue on a topic of your choice. The topic of the Special Issue must currently be of increasing interest; it should be broad enough to attract a reasonable number of submissions but at the same time narrow enough to sharpen the focus of the Special Issue.
The International Journal of Endocrinology is published using an open access publication model, meaning that all interested readers are able to freely access the journal online at http://www.hindawi.com/journals/ije/contents/ without the need for a subscription. All published articles will be made available on PubMed Central and indexed in PubMed at the time of publication. The most recent Impact Factor for International Journal of Endocrinology is 1.948 according to 2014 Journal Citation Reports released by Thomson Reuters in 2015.
As the Lead Guest Editor, your main responsibilities would be inviting 2-4 Guest Editors, writing a one-page Call for Papers in consultation with the other Guest Editors, assigning the incoming submitted manuscripts to yourself or the Guest Editors so they can send them for peer review, and coauthoring an Editorial with the other Guest Editors to be published as an opening to the Special Issue. Our staff provides our Lead Guest Editors with as much administrative and editorial assistance as possible to make sure that the whole process is as seamless and rewarding as possible.
Special Issues are made freely available online to all interested readers leading to the maximum possible dissemination and recognition within the scientific community. I would be happy to provide more details if you are interested in being the Lead Guest Editor for one of our upcoming Special Issues in the International Journal of Endocrinology.
I look forward to hearing from you.

Best regards,

本日は「the Lead Guest Editor for the International Journal of Endocrinology」の話でした。

文責:長崎甲状腺クリニック(大阪)院長 日本甲状腺学会認定 甲状腺専門医 長崎俊樹


長崎甲状腺クリニック(大阪)は日本甲状腺学会認定 甲状腺専門医[橋本病,バセドウ病,甲状腺超音波(エコー)検査など]による甲状腺専門クリニック。大阪府大阪市東住吉区にあります。平野区,住吉区,阿倍野区,住之江区,松原市,堺市,羽曳野市,八尾市,天王寺区,東大阪市,生野区も近く。


Invitation to Guest Edit a Special Issue for the International Journal of Endocrinology

 こんにちは。甲状腺(橋本病,バセドウ病,甲状腺エコー等)動脈硬化内分泌代謝専門の長崎甲状腺クリニック(大阪)院長 長崎俊樹です。日本甲状腺学会認定 甲状腺専門医として甲状腺機能低下症,橋本病,甲状腺機能亢進症,バセドウ病,内分泌などのホットな話題をお届けします。

初めてですが、内分泌の雑誌(the International Journal of Endocrinology)から、the Lead Guest Editorの御招待が届きました。非常に光栄なことですが、今でも一日25時間欲しい状態ですので、こんなの引き受けたら一日28時間は必要になります。体壊すで・・・。そら、誰も引き受けまへんで。涙を飲んでお断りしました。

Dear Dr. Nagasaki,
We are planning to publish a number of Special Issues in the International Journal of Endocrinology http://www.hindawi.com/journals/ije/, and I would like to invite you to be the Lead Guest Editor for a Special Issue on a topic of your choice. The topic of the Special Issue must currently be of increasing interest; it should be broad enough to attract a reasonable number of submissions but at the same time narrow enough to sharpen the focus of the Special Issue.
The International Journal of Endocrinology is published using an open access publication model, meaning that all interested readers are able to freely access the journal online at http://www.hindawi.com/journals/ije/contents/ without the need for a subscription. All published articles will be made available on PubMed Central and indexed in PubMed at the time of publication. The most recent Impact Factor for the International Journal of Endocrinology is 1.948 according to 2014 Journal Citation Reports released by Thomson Reuters (ISI) in 2015.
As the Lead Guest Editor, your main responsibilities would be inviting 2-4 Guest Editors, writing a one-page Call for Papers in consultation with the other Guest Editors, assigning the incoming submitted manuscripts to yourself or the Guest Editors so they can send them for peer review, and coauthoring an Editorial with the other Guest Editors to be published as an opening to the Special Issue. Our staff provides our Lead Guest Editors with as much administrative and editorial assistance as possible to make sure that the whole process is as seamless and rewarding as possible.
Special Issues are made freely available online to all interested readers leading to the maximum possible dissemination and recognition within the scientific community. I would be happy to provide more details if you are interested in being the Lead Guest Editor for one of our upcoming Special Issues in the International Journal of Endocrinology.
I look forward to hearing from you.
Best regards,
Hindawi respects your right to privacy. To see the types of information we may hold or collect about you and how we may use that information, please see our Privacy Policy. If you would prefer not to receive any further messages from International Journal of Endocrinology, please visit our unsubscribe page. 

 本日は「Invitation to Guest Edit a Special Issue for the International Journal of Endocrinology」の話でした。

文責:長崎甲状腺クリニック(大阪)院長 日本甲状腺学会認定 甲状腺専門医 長崎俊樹


長崎甲状腺クリニック(大阪)は日本甲状腺学会認定 甲状腺専門医[橋本病,バセドウ病,甲状腺超音波(エコー)検査など]による甲状腺専門クリニック。大阪府大阪市東住吉区にあります。平野区,住吉区,阿倍野区,住之江区,松原市,堺市,羽曳野市,八尾市,東大阪市,生野区,天王寺区も近く。


8019-Broaden your eyes on the 5th Annual World Congress of Endobolism 2015

 こんにちは。甲状腺(橋本病,バセドウ病,甲状腺エコー等)・動脈硬化内分泌代謝専門の長崎甲状腺クリニック(大阪)院長 長崎俊樹です。日本甲状腺学会認定 甲状腺専門医として甲状腺機能低下症,橋本病,甲状腺機能亢進症,バセドウ病,内分泌などのホットな話題をお届けします。

Endobolism(内分泌代謝)のBIT’s国際会議がTaiwan であるそうな。招待講演の依頼が、何度も届いており、Challenges in Thyroidology and Thyroid Cancer の分野です。いくら旅費を出していただいても、そんなん行けまへんで。さすがに長期間、長崎甲状腺クリニック(大阪)を休診にはできまへん。

しかし、Keynote Speakers(目玉の講演者)を見ると、そうそうたる面々です。Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine(ノーベル医学賞)2013年受章のDr. Thomas C. Südhof, Professor, Stanford University, USA、1991年受章のDr. Erwin Neher, Professor, University of Gottingen, Germany。


Dear Dr. Toshiki Nagasaki,

BIT’s 5th Annual World Congress of Endobolism (WCE-2015). How have you been? I hope this message finds you well.
This is an email to follow up my previous invitation. On behalf of the Meeting Organizing Committee, it is my pleasure and privilege to invite you to give an oral presentation under Session 3-1: Challenges in Thyroidology and Thyroid Cancer during the congress. WCE-2015 will be held during Nov. 26-28, 2015 in Kaohsiung Exhibition Center, Taiwan. We have not heard from you for a long time. So I am writing again to extend our invitation. Would you please give me a tentative reply? Thank you very much. We sincerely welcome your participation in this grand event. 
Keynote Speakers at a quick glimpse:
Dr. Thomas C. Südhof, Professor, Stanford University, USA 
Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine (2013)
Dr. Erwin Neher, Professor, University of Gottingen, Germany
Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine (1991)
We look forward to seeing you in Taiwan in 2015 for this influential event. If you have any questions about the conference, please do not hesitate to contact me at any time!
For more detailed information, please visit the conference website: http://www.bitcongress.com/wce2015/default.asp  

 本日は8019-Broaden your eyes on the 5th Annual World」の話でした。

文責:長崎甲状腺クリニック(大阪)院長 日本甲状腺学会認定 甲状腺専門医 長崎俊樹


長崎甲状腺クリニック(大阪)は日本甲状腺学会認定 甲状腺専門医[橋本病,バセドウ病,甲状腺超音波(エコー)検査など]による甲状腺専門クリニック。大阪府大阪市東住吉区にあります。平野区,住吉区,阿倍野区,住之江区,松原市,堺市,羽曳野市,八尾市,東大阪市,天王寺区,生野区も近く。


Cite Alert

 こんにちは。甲状腺(橋本病,バセドウ病,甲状腺エコー等)・動脈硬化内分泌代謝・専門の長崎甲状腺クリニック(大阪)院長 長崎俊樹です。日本甲状腺学会認定 甲状腺専門医として甲状腺機能低下症,橋本病,甲状腺機能亢進症,バセドウ病,内分泌などのホットな話題をお届けします。

私が以前書いた甲状腺機能低下症/橋本病における動脈硬化の論文を、引用していただいた論文が発表されたとの知らせが来ました。私ごときの論文を引用していただき深謝の念に絶えません。この場を借りて、御礼申し上げます。Chen, L., Zhu, W., Mai, L., Fang, L., Ying, K.先生、ありがとうございました。

Dear T. Nagasaki,

It is our pleasure to inform you that your publication has been cited in a journal published by Elsevier.

Your article:

Changes in brachial-ankle pulse wave velocity in subclinical hypothyroidism during normalization of thyroid function

Nagasaki, T., Inaba, M., Yamada, S., Kumeda, Y., Hiura, Y., Nishizawa, Y.

Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy

volume 61, issue 8, year 2007, pp. 482 - 487

has been cited in:

Chen, L., Zhu, W., Mai, L., Fang, L., Ying, K.
volume 240, issue 2, year 2015, pp. 345 - 350
View all citations to your article in Scopus 



文責:長崎甲状腺クリニック(大阪)院長 日本甲状腺学会認定 甲状腺専門医 長崎俊樹


長崎甲状腺クリニック(大阪)は日本甲状腺学会認定 甲状腺専門医[橋本病,バセドウ病,甲状腺超音波(エコー)検査など]による甲状腺専門クリニック。大阪府大阪市東住吉区にあります。平野区,住吉区,阿倍野区,住之江区,松原市,堺市,羽曳野市,八尾市,東大阪市,天王寺区,生野区も近く。


Honourable Speaker Invitation: Thyroid-2016

こんにちは。甲状腺(橋本病,バセドウ病,甲状腺エコー等)・動脈硬化内分泌代謝・専門の長崎甲状腺クリニック(大阪)院長 長崎俊樹です。日本甲状腺学会認定 甲状腺専門医として甲状腺機能低下症,橋本病,甲状腺機能亢進症,バセドウ病,内分泌などのホットな話題をお届けします。

Thyroid-2016という会議がフィラデルフィアであるそうな。招待講演(Speaker Invitation)の依頼が、何度も届いていますが、いくら旅費を出していただいても、そんなん行けまへんで。さすがに1週間も長崎甲状腺クリニック(大阪)を休診はできまへん。

Dear Dr. Toshiki Nagasaki,

Greetings from Thyroid-2016!!
We have attempted to contact you earlier regarding the Conference and as we are aware of your busy schedule and your engagement in many other activities,
we would like to take the pleasure of contacting you again regarding Speaker Invitation for Thyroid-2016. Please let us know your availability and interest
towards attending the conference as a Speaker so that we can guide you with further details and proceedings. 
For further queries do not hesitate to contact us.  
Awaiting your swift and favourable response

本日は Speaker Invitation:  Thyroid-2016の話でした。

文責:長崎甲状腺クリニック(大阪)院長 日本甲状腺学会認定 甲状腺専門医 長崎俊樹


長崎甲状腺クリニック(大阪)は日本甲状腺学会認定 甲状腺専門医[橋本病,バセドウ病,甲状腺超音波(エコー)検査など]による甲状腺専門クリニック。大阪府大阪市東住吉区にあります。平野区,住吉区,阿倍野区,住之江区,松原市,堺市,羽曳野市,八尾市,東大阪市,浪速区も近く。


Invitation to Guest Edit a Special Issue for Autoimmune Diseases

 こんにちは。甲状腺(橋本病,バセドウ病,甲状腺エコー等)・動脈硬化内分泌代謝専門の長崎甲状腺クリニック(大阪)院長 長崎俊樹です。日本甲状腺学会認定 甲状腺専門医として甲状腺機能低下症,橋本病,甲状腺機能亢進症,バセドウ病,内分泌などのホットな話題をお届けします。

初めてですが、自己免疫病の学術雑誌(Autoimmune Diseases)から、the Lead Guest Editorの御招待が届きました。私は、甲状腺の自己免疫疾患である橋本病/バセドウ病の専門医でありますが、甲状腺以外の自己免疫疾患に詳しくありません。私より免疫学(immunology)の専門家の方が適任と思い断らせていただきました。でも、余程、成り手がないんですね。

Dear Dr. Nagasaki,

We are planning to publish a number of Special Issues in Autoimmune Diseases http://www.hindawi.com/journals/ad/, and I am writing to invite you to be the Lead Guest Editor for a Special Issue on a topic of your choice. The topic of the Special Issue must be of high current interest, broad enough to attract a reasonable number of submissions, but at the same time narrow enough to keep a strong focus for the Special Issue.
Autoimmune Diseases is published using an open access publication model, meaning that all interested readers are able to freely access the journal online at http://www.hindawi.com/journals/ad/contents/ without the need for a subscription. All published articles will be made available on PubMed Central and indexed in PubMed at the time of publication.
As the Lead Guest Editor, you would be responsible for inviting 2-4 Guest Editors. They should be as geographically dispersed as possible. Together with the other Guest Editors, you would need to write a one-page Call for Papers and an editorial to be published as an opening to the Special Issue. You would also need to assign the incoming submitted manuscripts to yourself or the Guest Editors so they can send them for peer-review. Special Issues are made freely available online to all interested readers leading to the maximum possible dissemination and recognition within the scientific community. Our staff will provide you with as much administrative and editorial assistance as possible to make sure that the whole process is as seamless and rewarding as possible.
I will be happy to provide more details if you are interested in being the Lead Guest Editor for one of our upcoming Special Issues in Autoimmune Diseases.
I look forward to hearing from you.
Best regards,

本日は自己免疫病の学術雑誌(Autoimmune Diseases)から、the Lead Guest Editorの御招待の話でした。

文責:長崎甲状腺クリニック(大阪)院長 日本甲状腺学会認定 甲状腺専門医 長崎俊樹


長崎甲状腺クリニック(大阪)は日本甲状腺学会認定 甲状腺専門医[橋本病,バセドウ病,甲状腺超音波(エコー)検査など]による甲状腺専門クリニック。大阪府大阪市東住吉区にあります。平野区,住吉区,阿倍野区,住之江区,松原市,堺市,羽曳野市,八尾市,生野区,東大阪市,天王寺区も近く。



長崎甲状腺クリニック(大阪)は日本甲状腺学会認定 甲状腺専門医[橋本病,バセドウ病,甲状腺超音波(エコー)検査等]施設で、大阪府大阪市東住吉区にある甲状腺専門クリニック。平野区,住吉区,阿倍野区,住之江区,松原市,堺市,羽曳野市,八尾市,東大阪市近く




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