長崎俊樹 院長ブログ[日本甲状腺学会認定 甲状腺専門医 橋本病 バセドウ病 甲状腺エコー 長崎甲状腺クリニック 大阪]


Special Invitation for Contribution (Clinical Immunology, Endocrine & Metabolic Drugs)

こんにちは。甲状腺(橋本病,バセドウ病,甲状腺エコー等)・動脈硬化内分泌代謝専門の長崎甲状腺クリニック(大阪)院長 長崎俊樹です。日本甲状腺学会認定 甲状腺専門医として甲状腺機能低下症,橋本病,甲状腺機能亢進症,バセドウ病,内分泌などのホットな話題をお届けします。

今度は、Clinical, Immunology, Endocrine & Metabolic Drugs (CIEMD)から、 a review/research article(何か論文か、総説)を書け、または、guest edit(外部編集者)をしろとのオファーです。そんな雑誌あったかいな(初耳)?この手の仕事は、もうしないようにしていますので・・・。底なし沼に沈んでいくような感じやな・・。

Dr.T. Nagasaki

Department of Metabolism
Endocrinology and Molecular Medicine, Osaka City University, Graduate School of Medicine, 1-4-3, Asahi-machi, Abeno-ku
Osaka-city 545-8585
Dear Dr. Nagasaki,
In view of your important publications in the key areas of clinical immunology, endocrine & metabolic drug research, it is a great pleasure to invite you to contribute a review/research article or guest edit a special issue to Clinical, Immunology, Endocrine & Metabolic Drugs (CIEMD) in an emerging field. The journal is now in its second volume and been indexed in Chemical Abstracts Service (CAS), J-Gate, CNKI Scholar, Suweco CZ and EBSCO.
The Publishers are delighted to extend the following offers to the contributors of the journal:
Special Offers:
No publication charges involved.
Quick processing and publication of the submitted papers.
Free of charge figure improvement facility.
Availability of the first issue of each volume as “Open Access”; Open Access facility will assist the contributing authors in getting reasonable citations to their published articles.
Open Access Plus facility to all articles for a period of six months.
An honorarium of US0 to the Guest Editor per thematic issue; besides a free copy of the printed issue and free online subscription to any three selected Bentham journals from the List (on contributing an issue of 100 printed pages).
Complete editorial support to the Guest Editors of thematic issues, which will entail extending invitations to prominent people in the field;  seeking contributions from existing and previous authors for the planned thematic issue; announcing the forthcoming thematic issues on the websites to attract submissions, list and detailed patents for the preparation of manuscript, etc. 
Discount Offers:
Authors who have previously published at least one article in the journal will be offered 40% discount on open access fee for their second contribution.
50% discount on the single issue cost will be offered to authors on purchase of issue(s) in which their article is published.
Multiple issue copies at discounted rates.
If you wish to submit your work to the journal, please provide us the title and an abstract (up to 250 words) of your review/research article or a brief proposal of the special issue by email to thematicissue@benthamscience.org for approval. 
Looking forward to have a successful working collaboration.
Prof. Emilio Jirillo
(Co Editor-in-Chief, CIEMD)           

Clinical, Immunology, Endocrine & Metabolic Drugs

本日は「Special Invitation for Contribution (Clinical Immunology, Endocrine & Metabolic Drugs)」の話でした。

文責:長崎甲状腺クリニック(大阪)院長 日本甲状腺学会認定 甲状腺専門医 長崎俊樹

長崎甲状腺クリニック(大阪)は日本甲状腺学会認定 甲状腺専門医[橋本病,バセドウ病,甲状腺超音波(エコー)検査など]による甲状腺専門クリニック。大阪府大阪市東住吉区にあります。平野区,住吉区,阿倍野区,住之江区,松原市,堺市,羽曳野市,八尾市,天王寺区,東大阪市,生野区も近く。



長崎甲状腺クリニック(大阪)は日本甲状腺学会認定 甲状腺専門医[橋本病,バセドウ病,甲状腺超音波(エコー)検査等]施設で、大阪府大阪市東住吉区にある甲状腺専門クリニック。平野区,住吉区,阿倍野区,住之江区,松原市,堺市,羽曳野市,八尾市,東大阪市近く




  • 近鉄「針中野駅」 徒歩2分
  • 大阪メトロ(地下鉄)谷町線「駒川中野駅」
  • 阪神高速14号松原線 「駒川IC」から720m
