長崎俊樹 院長ブログ[日本甲状腺学会認定 甲状腺専門医 橋本病 バセドウ病 甲状腺エコー 長崎甲状腺クリニック 大阪]
the chair/speaker of Gene Convention
こんにちは。甲状腺(橋本病,バセドウ病,甲状腺エコー等)・動脈硬化・内分泌代謝・専門の長崎甲状腺クリニック(大阪)院長 長崎俊樹です。日本甲状腺学会認定 甲状腺専門医として甲状腺機能低下症,橋本病,甲状腺機能亢進症,バセドウ病,内分泌などのホットな話題をお届けします。
ここ数年、中国(China)からの御招待メールがよく届きます。Gene Conventionの講演あるいは座長をしろというものです。Qingdao(キンダオ?)て、どこにあるのか見当もつきません。他にすることが山のようにあるので受けれません。
Dear Dr. Toshiki Nagasaki,
I'm writing to follow-up my last invitation as below, would you please give me a tentative reply? Thank you very much.
It is our great pleasure to welcome you to join the 6th World Gene Convention-2015, which will take place in Qingdao, China during November 13-15, 2015. On behalf of the Organizing Committee of WGC-2015, we would like to welcome you to be the chair/speaker in Track 6-2: Enzymes while presenting about Thyroid heterogeneity, as indicated by the CV of ultrasonographic intensities, correlates with anti-...
Under our SAB members’ contributions and endeavor, BIT’s 5th Annual World Gene Convention-2014 (WGC-2014), successfully held in Hainan International Convention and Exhibition Center on November 13-16, 2014. Totally, there were nearly 200 participants from more than 20 countries and areas have attended the WGC-2014. Dr. Arieh Warshel, Professor, University of Southern California, USA. Nobel Prize in Chemistry (2013); Dr. Dan Shechtman, Distinguished Professor, Israel Institute of Technology, Israel. Nobel Prize in Chemistry (2011); Dr. Ada E. Yonath, Professor, Weizmann Institute, Israel.Nobel Prize in Chemistry (2009); Dr. Hartmut Michel, Professor and Director, Max Planck Institute of Biophysics, Germany. Nobel Prize in Chemistry (1988); Dr. Alan Garen, Professor, Yale University, USA gave wonderful keynote speeches during the conference. Participants from the international enterprises, academic and research institutions enjoyed the three days scientific program. More than 200 world-renowned experts, professors, laboratory principals, project leaders and representatives of well-known enterprises attended the conference. Depending on the warmly support and good suggestions from all of the participants, we are confident in organizing WGC-2015 which would be better and more successful than WGC-2014.
The conference covers a wide range of critically important themes from basic science to commercialization. (you can find the tentative program on http://www.bitcongress.com/wgc2015/ScientificProgramme-1.asp ). Participants will explore the different research, business and investment activities occurring throughout the event.
In addition to the dynamic scientific program, you will benefit from the wonderful experience in Qingdao, China, the host city for the 29th Olympic Sailing Regatta in 2008. The landscape of Qingdao is often described as the pearl on the crown of the Yellow Sea and with a rich historical background and natural beauty. Qingdao is one of China's five largest ports and the only port with an annual handling capacity of 100 million tons of coal, ore, petroleum, containers and bulk cargo. We hope you will enjoy both the modern and traditional Qingdao.Qingdao, a city full of hospitality as frank and hearty as the sea, welcomes friends from all over the world.
We expect your precious comments or suggestions; also your reference to other speakers will be highly appreciated. We look forward to receiving your replies on the following questions:
1. What is the title of your speech?
2. Do you have any suggestions about our program?
For more information, please visit the conference website at http://www.bitcongress.com/wgc2015/default.asp
To register, please visit our website: http://www.bitcongress.com/wgc2015/OnlineRegistration.asp
We look forward to seeing you in Qingdao in 2015 for this influential event.
Sincerely yours,
文責:長崎甲状腺クリニック(大阪)院長 日本甲状腺学会認定 甲状腺専門医 長崎俊樹
長崎甲状腺クリニック(大阪)は日本甲状腺学会認定 甲状腺専門医[橋本病,バセドウ病,甲状腺超音波(エコー)検査など]による甲状腺専門クリニック。大阪府大阪市東住吉区にあります。平野区,住吉区,阿倍野区,住之江区,松原市,堺市,羽曳野市,八尾市,東大阪市も近く。